Private Family Forest Sessions

Family fun in your own private woodland space

Come and enjoy some family time at our peaceful and amazing woodland camp with all its play facilities. Cargo net, swings, treehouse, mud kitchen, hammocks & compost toilet, complete with multiple hand washing facilities. We will layout activities for you to do when on site and be there to provide assistance from a distance. What could be better than Forest School all to yourself! Ideal to celebrate birthdays or just meet up with friends or grandparents. We are conveniently based in beautiful woodland at Grammarcombe Woods, Ashcombe Estate, near Exeter.

Next available dates

July 2020

Everyday 10-12pm or 1-3pm up until 28th July


August 2020

Monday, Friday & weekends 10-12pm or 1-3pm, during summer holidays.

How Much Does It Cost?

2 hours of fun with up to 6 people


How Do I Book?

“Check availability” to be taken to the website calendar and book the date(s) you require. (If you are booking a number of dates, please contact us as we can send you a link to make a “block booking”) Please note that online booking will close at least 48 hours before the day so do book well in advance.


  • Hannah and her team are organised, adaptable and fun. After the first time with them, we were hooked! They have enriched the student experience for the last 3 years and we look forward to our annual visit.

  • Thank you so much for our trip today. We had a fantastic day and I am sure the children will be talking about it for weeks to come! The trip was so well organised and I was very impressed with your grasp of their names so quickly.

    Teacher from Education Group visit

  • “We had a truly wonderful day in the woods with A Touch of the Wild. It was an incredibly valuable experience for the children’s learning but also allowing them to learn in a play based way. Have already recommended you to friends and colleagues! Thank you for a fantastic day.”

    Ide Primary School

  • “The A Touch of the Wild team are organised, adaptable and fun. After the first time with them, we were hooked! They have enriched the pupil experience for the last 3 years and we look forward to our annual visit.”

    Ilsington Primary School

  • The site was even better than last year. The children particularly enjoyed the nets and tree house and the marshmallows and hot chocolate. The teachers felt the led activities were valuable and we will definitely book again. Many thanks to all the staff.

    Exeter Cathedral School

  • We were all very impressed with our visit to the woods, the activities were well matched and the children had a wonderful time telling all their grown ups and the school in our class assembly.

  • We all really enjoyed our time in the woods. I was struck how calm all the children seemed around the camp fire and what great opportunities for cooperative play they had. I also thought the planned activities were wonderful and pitched at the right level. So we, too, came away feeling enthusiastic.

  • “Thank you for helping E to become more confident, independent and inquiring. She has learnt so much from you and is now always up for an adventure!”

    Parent, Dec 2022

  • “Thank you so much for looking after R again this year with so much care, interest and kindness. And for teaching her so much – amazing outdoor skills and knowledge and wonder, and independence, confidence and good socialising! And just for having such a fun time together! She’s absolutely loved her time with you and we feel so lucky to have come across you.”

    Parent, 2022

  • “A very big THANK YOU to all of you for all your hard work and enthusiasm. B has LOVED coming to see you since the day he started to the very end!”

    Parent, 2022

What's on offer?

We are welcoming up to 6 people from one or two family groups (including children & babies) to join us in our beautiful woodland camp, for 2 hours of outdoor fun.

Throughout the Summer!

Available in daily slots 10-12pm or 1-3pm any day up to 28th July OR Monday, Friday & weekends during summer holidays.

And very safe!

We are taking extra hygiene and safety measures during the COVID 19 pandemic.

  • We will be asking that anyone who is displaying coronavirus symptoms, or who lives with someone who does, not to attend the setting. That includes children and staff who work here.
  • Cleaning our hands more often than usual. Within our sessions we will be developing routines to ensure children understand when and how to wash their hands, making sure they wash them thoroughly for at least 20 seconds using running water and soap and dry them thoroughly with a disposable towel, or use alcohol hand rub or sanitiser ensuring that all parts of the hands are covered. We have set up more tippy taps (to ensure running water for handwashing) around the camp. Asking that you wash your hands on arrival and departure.
  • Ensuring everyone attending understand good respiratory hygiene by promoting the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach.
  • Implementing an enhanced cleaning schedule, ensuring surfaces touched by children and staff are cleaned regularly, including, door handles and play equipment, see below for details.
  • Tools– All users will be asked to wash their hands thoroughly before and after use. The tool handle will be wiped with alcohol gel between uses
  • Mud Kitchen– All mud kitchen equipment will be disinfected at the beginning of the week and after each family session.
  • Toilet– An extra toilet will be available, simple ‘wee behind a tree/tarpaulin’ to encourage lack of surface touching. Tippy tap setup outside temporary toilet for handwashing. Hand sanitiser station placed outside compost toilet to apply before and after entering toilet/using door handles. Contact points in toilet disinfected between groups. Tippy tap setup outside compost toilet for handwashing.
  • Food/drink– Asking parents to pack all food and drink their child will need for the day. We will not be providing any shared snacks or drinks.
  • Hammocks – Each group will have their own hammock. These will be aired well between sessions.